Why Visualization Isn’t Working For You?

Miracle Consciousness and How to Develop It

The global psyche presently is undergoing a dramatic shift in consciousness. The need now is to realign, to move with this changing dynamic into greater personal health empowerment and Independent thinking. This article sets out in detail how we can each achieve Miracle Consciousness alignment — realize this innately present reservoir of immunity, creativity and youthful well-being within effortlessly.

Health,Power And Energy

The brain is the greatest organ in your body. You see it requires a very specific type of nutrition from your diet, so you should not be surprised to know that your diet affects how your brain performs.

Do You Love Me? (A Sermon on John 21:15-29)

As you know, this may well be the last Sermon I give from this pulpit, and will most certainly be the last sermon I give here in my current position as Acting Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Dulwich Hill, which may help explain why I’ve taken the unprecedented step of disregarding the scheduled Gospel reading for the day! Yes, some of you may decide to walk out (or switch off) at this point. Who would believe that I could be such a maverick in this final fling, after thirty years of faithful adherence to…

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